Self Portrait and Portrait Intro

2-3 Tips:

1) You may be able to interpret the "real you" better than others.
2) A self portrait doesn't have to be of your face.
3) Photographs are records of the photographer's relationship with their subject.

Environmental Portrait:
1) Related image
2) Related image

Self Portrait:
1) Image result for photography self portraits
2) Image result for photography self portrait

Casual Portrait:
1) Image result for casual portraits
2)Image result for casual portraits

My Plan:
I am going to take photos of one of my friends while on campus; either in the library or in the courtyard outside. This photo will either be an environmental portrait or casual portrait. When I'm aiming for environmental I'll place my friend in front of a bookshelf or a tree. When I'm aiming for casual I may take a photo of my friend reading or looking into the camera. For my self portrait I need to brainstorm. I may take a photo of myself writing because writing is something I'm passionate about. I may also take a photo with a prop. I have limited options for my self portrait because I don't know if I can set a timer on my camera and I don't wish to take a mirror photo.


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