Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

1) It was difficult to find classrooms doing anything that told a good story or classrooms doing interesting stuff.
2) I found myself thinking about focusing the subject the most. Whenever I'd frame a photo, I'd make sure the subject was as focused as they were going to get. Although this didn't work for every photo, a few came out incredibly clear.
3) If I did everything again, I definitely would've spent longer in each room I went to. That way I could wait until the most interesting thing happened. I also would've gotten closer to my subjects to make them more prominent in the photos.
4) If I were to do this again, I would take photos of the same subjects. Some people and objects were better subjects than others.
5) I think the easiest rule to achieve is simplicity. There are so many ways to accomplish simplicity. Change the angle, get closer, in some cases get farther, etc.
6) I think the hardest rule to achieve is lines. It is incredibly difficult to find a subject or scene where dynamic lines are present. Additionally, if there aren't any lines, it is almost impossible to set it up so there are lines.
7) Balance is a difficult rule to understand and capture. To better my understanding, I can view several examples of photos that demonstrate the rule of balance in them.


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