Great B&W Photographers Part 3

1) The first thing I noticed about John Gutmann's photos was how much character they had. I enjoy his photos because they are all interesting and have strange subjects. They make one feel quizzical and intrigued. I always enjoy how whimsical they are.

2)  Strange Visitors by John Gutmann
I see fair rides and children excitedly running around. In the midst of this fun, I see two hooded people walking solemnly. I smell carnival food. Fried foods and sugary treats, all unhealthy. I hear chatter. Kids yelling excitedly and parents having conversation. Many "Let's go on that one!"'s. These hoods, on the other hand, aren't saying much or are speaking in hushed tones. I taste the sugary cotton candy I gave in to and ate earlier. I feel confused and enchanted by these strange beings. They have shown up, completely contrasting with the whole vibe of this fun place.
 Elevator Garage with Parking Lot by John Gutmann
I see this mind boggling contraption, and all the cars in it and surrounding it. I smell the exhaust of all the cars in this condensed area. I also smell general smog from being in the downtown city. I hear cars zooming on a busy road nearby and people talking. There are lots of people around that blanket the air with their chatter. I taste the smoggy air and the lunch I just had at a nearby cafe. I feel impressed and amazed at finding such an interesting contraption as this one. 

3) John Gutmann took really interesting and creative photos. I think people need to see his photos so they can remember how fun photography can be. So they can remember that Photography doesn't have to be a strictly serious thing. Gutmann captured intriguing subjects in the moment and his photos are incredibly entertaining because of it. I think Gutmann's photos stand very well on their own. They could be on posters with the photo's title and his name near the bottom. I know if I saw one of his photos while merely walking in the hall I would laugh and it would brighten my day. 


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