Four Websites

Website 1 (Photography Resolutions for 2018):

The author of this site gave 10 great tips for photography. She used them as resolutions for the new year, but they are helpful and can be used by any photographer. A few of my favorite suggestions were to be more organized, to shoot personal projects, and take more photos of loved ones.
I learned what the real photography world has to be like in order for these to be a photographers resolutions. I also am going to implement a few of these ideas in my own photography.

Favorite Photo:
a. I picked this photo because I write so I can understand it, and because it achieved an overall wondrous and whimsical feel which is visibly appealing and entertaining.
b. A rule that this photo captures is depth. It has a background that doesn't distract from the subject, while still adding to the photo.
c. The photographer is Jenna Martin

Website 2 (The oldest living things in the world)

Rachel Sussman is a photographer that travels around the world to take photos of the oldest living things on this planet. Sussman has been doing this since 2004, and all subjects of her's have been 2,000 years old or older. 
I learned that there's still living organisms on this planet that have been here since year zero! I didn't think plants had the capacity to stay alive so long. It's rather mind-blowing. 

Favorite Photo: 

a. I picked this photo because it's honestly unlike anything I've ever seen before. It's so beautiful alone, and nobody would think that the inside of a tree could be so beautiful. On top of everything, this tree is over 2,000 years old!
b. I see simplicity in this photo. The subject fills the entire frame demanding the attention of the viewer.
c. The photographer is Rachel Sussman

Website 3 (Spiral Staircases)

Christian Richter is a photographer who grew up in East Germany. Richter now travels around the country looking for abandoned staircases. His photos of these staircases are both beautiful and disorienting.
I learned that photos can be many different things at once. These photos combine an eerie and beautiful feeling together.

Favorite Photo:
spiral staircase with railing
a. I picked this photo because it looks like it used to be very regal, and time has aged it.
b. This photo shows a heavy use of Lines which is visually appealing and interesting to the viewer.
c. The photographer is Christian Richter

Website 4 (Using a Projector)

Photographer Tarek Mawad and animator Friedrich van Schoor decided to try combining projections with wild nature. The results are beautiful photos that look ethereal. 
I learned that we've got many more opportunities in the realm of photography than we even know. We just need to get creative.

Favorite Photo:
Screen Shot 2015-01-01 at 12.20.31 PM
a. I chose this photo because it looks so real while also looking impossible. The mushrooms look whimsical and wondrous.
b. This photo uses simplicity to show a clear subject.
c. The photographer is Tarek Mawad and the animator is Friedrich van Schoor. 


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