Looking Back at 2018

3 Favorite Photos of 2018: 

A piece of an American flag lays scorched on the ground at a mobile home park following the Camp Fire in Paradise, Calif., on Nov. 14.Gabrielle Lurie—San Francisco Chronicle/Polaris
I chose this photo because it is so powerful and portrays a huge message even without a caption. 
"Kim Prahinog competes in a transgender beauty pageant in the Philippines on April 6. The country, which is heavily Catholic, has earned a reputation for being one of the most LGBTQ-tolerant in Southeast Asia.Hannah Reyes Morales—The New York Times/Redux'
I chose this photo because it shows how much progress we've made accepting LGBTQ+ communities all around the world in a single photo. 

"Stevante Clark, brother of Stephon Clark, addresses fellow protesters in response to the police shooting of his brother, in Sacramento on March 28. Stephon was fatally shot 10 days earlier.Josh Edelson—AFP/Getty Images" I chose this photo because school shootings were a huge nation-wide crisis during 2018 and this photo portrays how devastating it was. 
Best Song of 2018: I can't pick my favorite song of 2018, simply because music is so subjective. I like many many bands and genres in music, and I enjoy a whole range of sounds. I simply can't pick a single song that I adored more than any others throughout the whole year of 2018. 
Best Movie of 2018:I really should've watched more movies in 2018. However one movie that definitely stood out to me this year was Dumplin'. I loved Dumplin' because it was a melding pot of so many elements. It was funny, it had a good moral, it incorporated all sorts of characters, it was very relevant to 2018, covering topics such as Body Image, Beauty Standards, and the LGBTQ+ community. Overall, I'd definitely recommend the movie Dumplin' to anybody.  
Most Important News Story of 2018: I think the most important News Story of 2018 was "May 7: Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the “zero tolerance” policy that resulted in thousands of migrant children being separated from their parents. The separations sparked widespread protests and condemnation from lawmakers until they were ended in June."  

Most Important Person in 2018: I think Christine Blasey Ford one of, if not the most important, person of 2018. Her case was a huge deal in the year of 2018 and I think she definitely rocked the boat and is brave for what she did. She helped give a voice to all sexual assault survivors out there. 
Something I will Remember from the Break:I moved to Texas two years ago from Fargo, North Dakota. I went back up to North Dakota for a week over the break. It was great to see all my family and friends once again and enjoy the holidays with them. I won't forget that trip.
Resolutions for 2019: I got a camera for Christmas (!!!) so I'm going to try and take more photos in 2019. I also want to keep getting A's and B's and try to be more physically active. 
What I'm Looking Forward to in 2019: I'm excited to have the opportunity to be in more theatre productions. There's going to be 2 more before the school year ends and I'm going to audition for both. I'm also excited for summer because I'm going to focus more on learning how to drive and of course, it's the summer! 


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