My First Interview

Bold = Questions
Normal = Answers

1) What is your name?
2) What grade are you in?
3) How did you feel when you found out you had won Student of the Month?
I felt excited or happy to get such a great honor
4) Did you ever want to win Student of the Month before?
5) Do you believe that extra curricular activities are just as important as academics?
Extracurriculars are just as important as academics because everything teaches something different
6) Do you believe you’ve done anything to give back to your community as a whole?
Yes, I volunteer at an animal shelter on the weekend and over Summer
7) What is your routine to stay physically healthy?
I eat well and play sports when I can
8) What about staying mentally healthy? Do you have any outlets?
9) How exactly did you find out you won Student of the Month?
The principal told me
10) Do you personally believe you are worthy of the award?
Not at all
11) What is your opinion on your school’s new architectural plan?
Good, because it will help improve the school
12) Do you have any siblings? Pets?
One sister and one cat
13) Do you put in an effort to spend time with these siblings/pets?
I put more effort in to spend time with my pet than my sister
14) What is your favorite class?
My favorite class is art
15) Why is that your favorite class?
Because it’s not boring and it’s easy
16) Are you proud to be amongst the others who have won the Student of the Month award?
Yes, because I’ve worked as hard as they have
17) What is one thing you love about your school?
My friends are one thing I love about school
18) What is one thing you would like to change or improve at your school?
Heating on cold days
19) In your eyes, what is a good quote/moral to live by?
Never say “I can’t”, I wish someone told me that
20) Do you think modern students spend too much time on electronics?
Yes and no, because it’s bad but we use it at school everyday


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