SLO Practice

1. In the following, which news value is most clearly represented in the caption below?

B. Human Interest
C. Impact

2. In the following, which news value is most clearly represented in the caption below?

A. Prominence

3. Which of the following is an example of a present tense action verb?

C. paints

4. What is most wrong with the following headline?

C. The lack of a verb
D. The lack of a subject

5. What information is missing from the first sentence of this caption:

B. The location

6. What information is missing from the second sentence of this caption:

C. Background information about the senior games

Caption: On February 2, 2019, Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau walks with Indian activist Sani Karania. They walked through 24 Sussex in front of a crowd to promise a sense of unity amongst the country.


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