
1. Where is one place on the internet you might go to better prepare yourself for the location you are shooting at? Google Maps.

2. What is one app you might download to help you when trying to pick the best angle to take landscape photos?  Photographer's Ephemeris.

3. What is the biggest problem shooting with a zoom or telephoto lens? It doesn't catch little details in the distance that wide lenses catch.

4. Instead of using the HDR method you learned in my class, what is another technique the website suggest would be acceptable for compensating for sky and ground? Take two different shots. One exposed for the sky/brighter areas, the other for the land/darker areas. Open them separately in Photoshop, and use a layer mask to paint in the correctly exposed areas in each layer.

5. List three things you should always carry in case of bad weather. A strong, waterproof plastic bag, plenty of cleaning cloths for the lens glass and filters, and a microfibre towel for drying off the camera.

6. Why would pre-scouting help you when shooting? It's good to walk around the scene and try to assess all the possible viewpoints. As well as different elements in the foreground or background.

7. Is subject or composition more important in landscape photography, WHY? The subject is more important in landscape photography. If you always focus on the same composition your shots can become repetitive and boring. Additionally, nature doesn't always bend to composition techniques.

8. What is the suggested procedure to create simple, yet striking images? Don't include too much in the shot! Having fewer side subjects keeps the focus on the main subject which is ideal.

9. Why black and white? With the right photos, black and white can add a whole new layer of intensity to the scene.

10. Why would you want to go back to a location you have already been? Returning to an area gives you a leg up because you already know a lot about the location and you can save time by skipping research.

11. Find three landscape images that you like and post them with this blog. Image result for landscape images

Image result for landscape images

Image result for landscape images


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