Portfolio analysis - how judges pick winning portfolios and sports photos

Portfolio analysis - how judges pick winning portfolios and sports photos

a. Name of the photographer - Travis Haughton
b. The general focus of portfolio (photos, sports, stories, etc.) - The first several photos tell the story of a deaf boy. Following is a range of images all including people: many of athletes or showcasing religious themes. Also, a frequent subject to appear was young children.
c. List three problems that the judges noted with the portfolio - The judges disliked a photo with the back of someone’s head dominating the frame. Secondly, there were a few images which concealed one of the subject’s face. A third problem they noted was how many shots were of the same subject: little kids.
d. List two things the judges like- The judges liked some of the fun subjects and situations the photographer captured. They also were more satisfied with photos that froze action rather than ones of still subjects.
e. What is your overall impression of the photographer? What did you like or not like? I think the photographer took many good photos but I think they could’ve spent more time sweeping through everything and only submitting their very best. I think they got shots of some very interesting subjects that were good at telling the story. Overall, I’d recommend focusing on telling a story the most.

a. Name of the photographer - Nick Adams
b. The general focus of portfolio (photos, sports, stories, etc.)- The portfolio had photos of all different types of people and, once again, many children.
c. List three problems that the judges noted with the portfolio - The judges disliked how many of the photos showcased subjects which have been done many times before. They also disliked how the photographer added many unnecessary subjects to the images, which caused them to be busy. Lastly, the judges noted how a few photos were way too tight and didn’t include enough of the subject.
d. List two things the judges like- The judges liked a few of the scenes which were very original and unique. They also liked how on a pool photo the photographer got really close to the subject to get a good shot.
e. What is your overall impression of the photographer? What did you like or not like? My biggest advice to this photographer would be to pick one subject and minimize distractions or mergers. Simplicity goes a long way. Other than that, there were some very interesting photos and there weren’t many other problems. 

a. Name of the photographer - Josh Birnbaum
b. The general focus of portfolio (photos, sports, stories, etc.)- The portfolio contains many photos of sports and college life, trips, and students. It also contains two shots of people being arrested. Near the end, there are two picture stories of men in wheelchairs.
c. List three problems that the judges noted with the portfolio - The judges disliked how the portfolio went from an amazing photo to a boring one right afterward. They disliked how one photo didn’t showcase an amazing skyline and similarly, with many others they disliked it had the chance to be something amazing yet that chance wasn’t fulfilled. Lastly, they noted how the main subject was blurry in one of the images.
d. List two things the judges like- The judges liked a very good detail shot that was focused very nicely. Secondly, they liked a few photos which had very unique subjects.
e. What is your overall impression of the photographer? What did you like or not like? I liked this portfolio more than I’ve liked previous ones. It had some comedic photos which I hadn’t seen yet. My recommendation would be the same as what I recommended for my first photographer. Do a better sweep of the shots and only submit the very best! Get friends and family to help you judge them if you’d like: it’s good to get an outside eye.

a. Name of the photographer - Justin Mott
b. The general focus of portfolio (photos, sports, stories, etc.)- Many of the first photos are of developing countries or different/worse situations than we see here in America.
c. List three problems that the judges noted with the portfolio - The judges didn’t like how a photo contained very few focused subjects and many blurry ones. The judges also disliked two shots that were purposely out of focus. Lastly, they disliked a few photos which didn’t tell stories or were too vague.
d. List two things the judges like- The judges liked how many photos told really good stories. They also really liked how the photographer used different angles and the space to make unique compositions.
e. What is your overall impression of the photographer? What did you like or not like? I think this is definitely the best photographer out of what I saw. They had almost all really good photos, and I think my only suggestion would be a closer look at portfolio building or formatting. Other than that I enjoyed this portfolio very much.

Dustin Snipes
a. What did the judges note as strengths as they were critiquing it? They enjoyed every photo and they particularly liked all the subjects having a purpose and being interesting.
b. What do you see as strengths? Do you see any weaknesses? I think this person did a good job picking only their best photos and they also are very creative and shoot unique scenes which makes them stand out.

Contest Recap
a. Briefly describe the process the judges went through in deciding the winner. The judges picked their top three, eliminated one, and then picked their favorite out of those two. The final two were very different types of portfolios. One showcased harrowing stories and had a constant dark mood while the other was bright and bold and had all different shots. The judges went with the bold one which showcased many different subjects and moods.

1. Describe one photo that you agree with the judges on. Explain why you and the judges do or do not like it. I agree with the judges on the boxing photo. A few like it and a few dislike it. I like it and I agree with the points of the judges who enjoyed it as well. The judges really liked the expressions and how the person who’s supposed to be running the game looks like he wants to be in the game. It’s a very unique and entertaining photo.
2. Describe one photo that you DO NOT agree with the judges on. Explain why you think the judges are wrong. I disagree that the goose photo is a great photo. It’s silly and has nice composition but I didn’t find it too entertaining. It’s not a photo that I would go back to look at after seeing it once or twice.


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